The Desktop Time Tracker is on, but no Activity is Recorded

Identifying the issue

This issue happens when the WebWork Desktop Time Tracker is not recording activity levels at all. If you see activity levels in the app but not in your dashboard, consider checking out our help center article on appearing absent while tracking time on the desktop.

Windows troubleshooting

There are two main troubleshooting steps for this issue on Windows:

1. Check for Updates: Ensure that you have the latest versions of both WebWork Tracker and Windows installed. If an update is available, download and install it.
2. Run the App as Administrator: If you're using the latest version of the app, try running it as an administrator. This can help your PC prioritize the app and let it work as desired.

WebWork Tracker Run As Admin Interface.

macOS troubleshooting

There are two main troubleshooting steps for this issue on macOS:

1. Check for Updates: Ensure that you have the latest versions of both WebWork Tracker and macOS installed. If an update is available, download and install it.

2. Check Accessibility Permissions: On macOS, ensure that WebWork Tracker has the necessary accessibility permissions. You can find instructions for checking and enabling these permissions here.

Further troubleshooting

If completing the above-mentioned steps doesn’t work, you can contact our support to resolve the issue. Our support specialists will need to take a look at the error logs generated by the WebWork Desktop Tracker on your PC. Check out our help center article on how to send an error log.