How to Create Shifts

To create shifts on WebWork:

  1. From the left sidebar on your dashboard, go to Shifts
  2. Click Create shift on the top-right.
  3. Fill in the necessary properties for the shift you are creating.
  • Members: who the shift will apply to
  • Start date: when the shift will begin. This cannot be set earlier than the present day
  • Minimum hours: the minimum number of hours you want this shift’s assignees to work
  • Start time: the start of the shift’s working hours
  • End time: the end of the shift’s working hours

how to create shifts on WebWork

If you would like your shift to be recurring, toggle the Recurring switch. This will reveal additional parameters:

  • Select working days: the days the shift will recur on
  • Repeat options: repeat Weekly or Bi-weekly
  • Repeat until: the day the shift will repeat until

Attendance settings

In your workspace attendance settings, you can:

  • Change the allowed deviation from the schedule for workspace members.
  • Enable or disable time tracking outside of work hours.

Note that when Shifts are enabled, your attendance settings will have these two settings only. Otherwise, in the Pro plan, where Shifts are not available, Attendance settings are more detailed and apply to the whole workspace. 

Read about Attendance settings in the Pro plan here.

Attendance settings on WebWork when the Shifts feature is enabled