Common Guidelines If You Are Experiencing Difficulties With Tracker

Here is a common guideline if you are experiencing an issue with desktop tracker

  1. Update the tracker to the latest version. Using the trackers latest version is recommended for better and faster performance. You can download it by following this link.

  2. Double check the permissions settings.

    1. Windows users: Run the tracker as an admin. Follow this link to navigate through. This might be helpful if you feel like your activity is low.
    2. Mac users: Double check if the permissions are set up according to this article.
  3. Send an error log. If you are still experiencing the same issue with the trackers latest version then send an error log. To send an error log go to the WebWork desktop app, toggle your profile picture at the left bottom and select Send Error Log option from menu. Then you will be transferred to WebWork, and the message will confirm that your log has been sent.

    WebWork app

  4. Reach out to us providing as much detail as possible including screenshots/screenrecord illustrating the matter and the period it happened.

We are available to assist you by

  • Live chat: The live chat icon is available at the bottom right corner of WebWOrk page
  • Ticket system: It is on the dropdown menu on the upper right corner of WebWork page

WebWork support

We will investigate your error log and reach out to you with solutions shortly.