As we are rolling out the New Desktop Tracker, you can learn about how it works here.
If you are not among users who already got the update, you can get this new version from our Downloads page.
Let's go over each section of the New Desktop Tracker individually.
Start the tracker with the Play buttons next to Tasks. The play button on the timer is only for pausing and continuing tracking.
Time Tracker Section
The time tracker is always fixed on top of the app, even when you navigate between tabs.
To select a project and a task to track on, click the dedicated section on the tracker, or go to the Projects and tasks tab.
Break Tracking
Break is recorded separately from tracked work time as a separate project.
To start tracking break time,
- click the cup icon on the timer section
- select the break policy you want to start tracking
Break tracking will start and you can stop it by clicking the pause button
Note that to be able to start break, the Workspace Owner will first need to create break policies in Settings>Break and set daily limits for them.
The first Overview tab shows tracked time for today and this week.
The Today section shows today's tracked time, activity level, and productive time.
The This week section shows this week's tracked time, weekly limit of time to track, and the tracked hours of every day of the week.
Projects and Tasks
The Projects and tasks tab is where you search and select the project and task to track on.
Start the tracker with the Play button next to each task and not from the top timer.
You can track time both on projects and tasks and without a task or a project.
Track without project or task
To track time without selecting a project, click No project and start the tracker from no task.
Track on a project but no task
Track on a project and a task
To track time on a project and a task, select the project and start the tracker with the Play button on the task you want to track on.
Project Time Details
On Project time details tab, you will see tracked time and weekly limit of all projects you have access to.
On Shifts tab, you will see the shift assigned to you or attendance details if shifts are not enabled for your workspace.
Shift details include the required days, hours, shift start date, repeat option, and your system time zone.
To view shifts in dashboard, click Open in web.
The Screenshots tab shows your last twelve screenshots which you can view in large, select, and delete if you have permission to do so.
Dashboard, Reports, and Chat
The next tabs open dashboard, reports, and chat in web respectively.
Help Center and Settings
The question icon takes you to Help Center>Desktop Tracker section in case you have questions or want to learn how it works.
The Settings tab opens Desktop Tracker settings. Here you can:
- Select how many monitors can be captured
- Enable or disable the Background mode
- Enable or disable Autorun
- Set a reminder about turning on the tracker
- Set the app theme
Profile and System Settings
By clicking your profile icon, you can:
- change the workspace to track on
- check for app updates
- contact Customer Support
- send Error Log if there is an issue that our tech team needs to look at
- sign out
- quit to close the app entirely