
WebWork Time Tracker has two communication channels—Chat and Video Meetings.

Chat is available on all pricing plans, while Video Meetings are only available on Plus and Premium.

To open the Chat, click the chat icon on the top right corner of your dashboard, or from the sidebar, go to Communication>Chat.

WebWork Chat in the sidebar

How to open WebWork chat in your dashboard

On WebWork Chat, you can:

  • send direct messages
  • create channels (private and public)
  • edit and delete messages
  • save messages, files, and documents for later

You can also convert a message directly into a task.

To do so,

  • hover your mouse over the message you want to convert into a task
  • click the arrow icon 
  • select the project you want this task to be in
  • write a title for the task and click Save

WebWork Chat Features

The message history is maintained for 30 days on the Pro plan, while it’s  unlimited for Plus and Premium plans.

We keep your message and file history for 30 days on the Pro plan and for an unlimited period of time on Plus and Premium plans.

WebWork Time Tracker Chat is available both in your dashboard and as a standalone app.

Learn more about WebWork Apps here.