Tracker Settings

How does idle tracking work?

Idle Tracking Settings on WebWork

When idle tracking is on, WebWork also tracks inactive time. After the selected maximum number of inactive minutes, the tracker opens a pop-up asking whether the member was working or not.

Inactive Time Pop-Up

If you had been working, you should click on Yes, I was working and mention the activity (if this function is enabled by the workspace owner). In this case, the tracker will add that time to your tracked time. 

Select Inactive Time Activity

If you select No, I was not working, the tracker will ignore that time and not count it as tracked. 

What does the “Auto-enable when active” setting do?

If you enable Auto-enable when active, the tracker will automatically turn back on when the member starts using their device again. 

That is, imagine you go away from your device for 15 minutes, the tracker detects no activity and turns off. Then, when you come back and start typing on your keyboard, the tracker automatically turns back on and continues tracking time from where it stopped.

Time tracker auto-enable settings

However, in the case of video meetings, the feature of inactive time is not active. This function is currently available for Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype.