What are standups in WebWork?
The Standups feature is a periodic reminder for your workspace members to post updates on their work. For instance, what they plan to work on today and what they did the day before. You can receive standups in a channel in WebWork Chat or Slack.
Creating standups
To create standups:
- Go to Tools > Standups in your dashboard sidebar
- Click Add Standup in the top-right
Note: only the Workspace Owner and Executive Managers can create and edit standups.
In the Add New Standup pop-up window, you can enter the details of your new standup. These include:
- which channel it will be sent to
- at what time it will be sent at
- which workspace members will see the standup. You can select members based on teams
- what weekdays it will be sent on
Note: you can also create standups with the WebWork Bot. To learn more about what our bot can do for you, explore the WebWork Bot help page.
Viewing and editing standups
To view and edit standups:
- Go to Tools>Standups in your dashboard
On this page, you can see all standups in your workspace. You can filter them by which weekdays they are recurring on.
To edit a standup, click the gray pen icon on the right of its column. To delete it, click the red trashcan icon.