Managing Membership and Billing on Annual Plans

Adding New Members During the Annual Plan

If you add new members to your workspace during your annual plan, WebWork Tracker handles the billing separately for these new additions. You will receive invoices specifically for the newly added members, covering only the remaining months of your annual plan.

Example Scenario:

  • You start your annual plan in January with 10 members.
  • In April, you add 2 new members.
  • You will receive a separate invoice for these 2 new members, billing you from April to December.

This system ensures that you only pay for the time the new members are part of your workspace, providing a fair and transparent billing process.

Removing Members During the Annual Plan

If you remove any member from your workspace during the annual plan, you have the flexibility to invite a new member without incurring additional charges. This means you can maintain your team size and efficiently manage your resources.

Example Scenario:

  • You have an annual plan with 10 members.
  • In June, you remove 1 member.
  • You can invite a new member to fill the vacant seat without any extra cost.

This policy allows you to replace team members as needed without affecting your overall billing, ensuring continuity and optimal use of your plan.


By understanding these policies, you can effectively manage your workspace and control costs on an annual plan:

  • Separate Invoices for New Members: Receive invoices for newly added members only for the remaining months of the annual plan.
  • No Extra Charges for Replacing Members: Remove a member and invite a new one without additional charges.

These features provide flexibility and cost-efficiency, helping you manage your team dynamically while staying within your budget.