Managing Adding and Deleting/Archiving Employee Seats and Billing In Monthly Subscription

This clarifies that the following information concerns monthly billing on WebWork Tracker and helps users avoid unexpected charges.

1. Free Seat on Archiving or Deleting an Employee

If you make a prepayment and archive/delete an employee during the month, you benefit from a free seat. This means you can invite one more employee to fill that seat without incurring an extra charge. This approach helps you maintain your team size without additional costs.

Example Scenario:

  • You prepay for 10 employees.
  • During the month, you archive/delete one employee.
  • You can invite a new employee to fill the now-vacant seat without paying extra.

2. Billing for Employees Added and Deleted/Archived Within the Same Month

When you add an employee in the middle of the month and then archive/delete that member within the same month, the billing system adjusts accordingly. The next invoice will only count this member for the days they were actively tracked.

Example Scenario:

  • You add an employee on June 10th and archive/delete them on June 20th.
  • The next invoice will only charge for the 10 days the employee was active.

3. Billing for Employees Added Mid-Month and Continuing to Track

If you add a member in the middle of the month and they continue to track time in your workspace, WebWork Tracker does not charge you for that half-month tracking period. The new member will only be included in the next month’s prepayment invoice.

Example Scenario:

  • You add an employee on June 15th.
  • The employee continues to track time for the rest of June.
  • You are not charged for the period from June 15th to June 30th.
  • The employee will be included in the prepayment invoice for July.