How to Fix Black Screenshots on Linux

By default, WebWork Linux Desktop App works only with the Xorg display server. If your Linux distribution uses Wayland, the tracker’s screenshots might appear completely black. To fix this, you can either switch to Xorg or install an open-source tool to enable the screenshot feature.

Switching to Xorg

Switching to the Xorg display server will be different depending on what Linux distribution your workspace uses. 

On Ubuntu, you can switch to Xorg when logging into your user account.

  • Click the Gear icon next to Sign In
  • Choose Ubuntu on Xorg
  • To switch to Xorg permanently, add the following line to /etc/gdm3/custom.conf:

Ubuntu Login Interface for WebWork

Enabling screenshots on Wayland

If you wish to continue using Wayland, you must install an open-source screenshot utility Flameshot.

Flameshot is available on Flathub, the Snap Store, APT, the AUR, and other distribution platforms.

To install on Ubuntu, simply run the following line in the terminal:

sudo apt install flameshot

Note: you might need to restart your PC for the issue of screenshots to be resolved.