How to disable Auto-Renewal of Subscription

Step-by-Step Guide to Stop Auto-Renewal of the Subscription.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

First, log into your account and head to the Settings section. This can be found in the top right corner of your dashboard

WebWork User Settings Interface

Step 2: Access Billing

Within the settings menu, locate and click on the Billing option. This section contains all the information related to your payments, subscriptions, and billing details.

Step 3: Find Subscription

In the billing section, find the Subscription option. This is where you can manage your current subscription plan, view your billing history, and make changes to your renewal settings.

WebWork User Settings > Billing Interface

Step 4: Enable the Renew Toggle

Once you're in the subscription settings, look for the Renew Toggle. Enable this toggle to initiate the cancellation process. Enabling the toggle will prompt a modal to open.

Step 5: Choose the reason of Stopping Auto-Renewal

A modal window will appear with the question, "Please let us know why you stopped automatic renewal." Choose the reason that best describes why you are cancelling the subscription from the provided options. This feedback helps the service improve its offerings.

WebWork Automatic ReNewal Stopping Modal Interface

Step 6: Submit the Reason

After selecting your reason for stopping the subscription, submit the form. This will confirm your cancellation and disable automatic renewals for your subscription.