How to Deactivate Your Account

Deactivating your account can be done in a few simple steps. This guide will walk you through the process to ensure your account's permanent deletion. Keep in mind that if you do not log in within six months, your account will be permanently deleted.

Steps to Deactivate Your Account

Step 1: Log into Your Account

First, log into your account using your credentials. Ensure that you have access to your login details before proceeding.

Step 2: Navigate to Settings

Once logged in, locate and click on the Settings option. This is usually found in the top right corner of your dashboard, represented by a gear icon or under your profile menu.

Step 3: Go to Workspace Settings

Within the settings menu, find and select Workspace. This section contains various options related to your account and its functionalities.

Step 4: Find the "Delete My Workspace" Option

In the Workspace settings, look for the "Delete My Workspace" option. This option is typically located towards the bottom of the settings list.

Step 5: Open the "Request for Workspace Deletion" Modal

Click on the "Delete My Workspace" button. This will open the "Request for Workspace Deletion" modal.

Step 6: Describe Your Reason for Deletion

In the modal, you will need to provide a description of why you want to delete your workspace and answer some other questions. This step helps the platform understand your reasons and improve the services.
WebWork Workspace Deletion Request Modal Interface

Step 7: Confirm Deactivation

After providing the necessary information, confirm your request to deactivate your account.

Once the request from our end is confirmed, your workspace will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.