How to Create Leave Policies

Creating leave policies in settings

To create leave policies:

  1. Go to settings on your WebWork dashboard by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Go to Leave and click Create new policy.

How to create Leave Policies on WebWork Time Tracker

A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the details of the new leave policy:

A screenshot showing the Create Leave Policy window in WebWork

  • Name: Vacation, Parental Leave, etc.
  • Members: which members the policy can apply to.
  • Time unit: how the policy’s time is measured.
    • Working hours per day: if you choose Days as the Time unit, you will need to add the hours per day and duration of the policy in days. If you select Hours, you will need to add the duration in hours.

Note: you cannot edit the Time unit property after creating your new policy.

  • Duration: how long members can take leave with this policy.
  • Payment: if members will get paid while on leave with this policy.
  • Allow negative balance: allowing negative balance means members can take leave days even if their leave balance is at 0.
  • Reason: when required, members will need to specify the reason for requesting leave.

Workspace-wide leave settings

To manage workspace-wide leave settings:

  1. Go to Settings>Leave.
  2. Go to the Workspace tab, next to Leave Policy.

A screenshot showing the Workspace pane of the Leave settings page in WebWork.

If you exclude certain Policies in the first setting, this requirement for submitting a leave request will not apply to the excluded policies. 

When you elect One duration for all next to Select duration option for Leave Policies, you will need to input the Time unit and Duration for all your leave policies. If you switch back to Separate duration for each, the durations for your added leave policies will be restored. 

One duration for all Leave Policies on WebWork Time Tracker

Note that when you change the Time unit from days to hours or hours to days, the change will affect existing Leave Reports and might result in slight differences. However, existing requests will maintain their units.