How to Archive and Delete a Member on WebWork

Archiving a workspace member equals to removing them from your workspace. You can restore archived members or remove them permanently after archiving.

To archive a workspace member:

  • In your dashboard sidebar, go to People > Members
  • Click the three-dot icon in the Actions column of the member you wish to archive
  • Select Archive

Archived members will be moved to the Archived tab of the Members page. They will no longer be able to access your workspace. But, their data, including tracked time and screenshots, will remain accessible for 6 months. After this period, their data will be permanently deleted. 

The Members page in WebWork

Will I be charged for an archived member?

No. You will not be charged for archived members on your next billing cycle.

An archived member frees up a user slot in your subscription plan. This means that within a billing cycle, you can add a new member after archiving one and continue paying the same amount.

Note: only the Workspace Owner and Executive Managers can archive members.

Managing archived members

On the Archived section of the Members page, you have two options in the Actions column of archived members:

  • Restore: restore all data of an archived member and enable them to access your workspace again
  • Delete: permanently remove an archived member and their data. After deleting, you will not be able to restore this member and their data in the future

Archived Members on WebWork

Archiving vs deleting workspace members

We recommend that you archive your workspace members instead of deleting them to be able to restore them in the future. Only delete workspace members if you are certain you won’t need their data in the future.