Tracked Hours Report

To view the Tracked Hours report:

  • In your dashboard, go to Reports > Tracked Hours

On this page, you can view the tracked time of each member in the set date range.

The Tracked Hours report has multiple viewing options:

  • Contract
  • Project
  • Member

The project and member views display tracked time data for each project or workspace member respectively.

The contract view shows all projects tracked on by each member, along with tracked time, tracker type, email, and more (you can add these data from columns).

Note: the Member and Contract views are only accessible to the Workspace Owner and Managers.

In addition to these three views, you can also choose to look at tracked time data by day, week, or month

Hours Tracked Report Views on WebWork Time Tracker

Switching between hours and amounts

By default, the Tracked Hours report will show data in hours. To view the data in amounts, click Amount at the top-left of the report. 

Amount and Hour View in Tracked Hour Report in WebWork Time Tracker

Filtering data on the Tracked Hours report 

The Tracked Hours page offers several filtering options:

  • Teams, Titles, and Members
  • Projects
  • Date
Note: not all filters are accessible in all of the page’s views. To update the report after selecting your filters, click Apply on the top-right.