Holidays and Memorial Days

What does the feature of holidays do?

When you add holidays or memorial days to your workspace, you can configure WebWork to send customized notification messages to your chosen Slack or WebWork Chat channels 2 days before the holiday or memorial day.

The notification will also mention whether the days are working or non-working according to the preferences you set in the system.

How to add holidays or memorial days to workspace?

  • To add a new holiday or a memorial day, click Add holiday on the upper right-hand corner
  • Select the type, write the name, and add start and end dates
  • Select whether you want the holiday/memorial day to be team-wide or workspace-wide. If you select team-wide, the holiday/memorial day will apply only to the selected team, while workspace-wide will apply to the whole workspace
  • If you want the selected day(s) to be non-working for your workspace or team members, check the non-working day box
  • Select the channel where you want WebWork to notify about the holiday or memorial day. You can select channels both from Slack and WebWork Chat