Daily Activity Monitoring

Viewing daily activity data

To view the daily activity monitoring report:

  • Go to Monitoring > Daily Activity

On Daily Activity, you can view each member's detailed activity data per minute. You can also track their activity in each project, again per minute.

For each tracked minute, you can see data like:

  • Mouse, keyboard, and scroll levels
  • Tracked projects and tasks
  • Activity descriptions
  • Used apps and websites
  • URLs
  • Screenshots
  • Used tracker version
  • IP address

The Daily Activity Monitoring page in WebWork

By default, several data columns are hidden. To view these, click Columns in the top right of the page and enable what you want to see.

In addition to this, you can also see how much time a given workspace member has tracked in a day. This includes how much time they added, spent on leave, and were idle. 

Tracked time on daily monitoring report with tracked time on WebWork Time Tracker

Filtering daily activity data

The Daily Activity Monitoring page offers a few filtering options, including Member, Project, and Date. Changing these will update the page immediately.