How does our Bitix24 integration boost workflow on WebWork?
Bitrix24 is one of the task management integrations available on our platform. This integration enables you to import projects, tasks, and members into the WebWork tracker. You can sync the projects and tasks, in real-time and send the tracked time to Bitrix24.
Integration guideline
Go to the Integrations section in your WebWork dashboard. Here you can see all the integrations available in WebWork, including Asana, Trello, Bitrix24, etc. Select the Enable button next to Bitric24 to get started.
You can see the integration guidelines. Follow all the steps in the specified order.
Begin by logging in to your Bitrix24 account. In the menu, click on Applications and then choose Developer Resources.
Next, select Other, and then pick Local Application.
In the Your handler path and Initial installation path fields, enter the following link.
In the Menu item text English (en) * input, type WebWork integration.
In the Assign permissions input, add the options Tasks (task), Workgroups(sonet_group) and Users (user).
After you've completed all of these steps, click Save. You will then receive your Application ID (client_id) and Application key (client_secret).
Hit Save at the bottom of the local applications page.
Look at the URL in the address bar of your browser. In the URL above, yourcompanyname is your Bitrix24 portal ID. It's the part that identifies your specific Bitrix24 instance. Copy this portal ID and put it in the Portal ID field in WebWork.
After adding Application ID, Application Key, and Portal ID, press the Save button to continue.
From this point on, you can import users and projects and set up sync settings. To import users, select them using the checkboxes on the side and press Import.
Go to the Projects section and filter projects to import.
- Search for Project by name: The search bar is to find projects. This can be useful if you want to import a single project.
- Project List: This is the complete Bitrix24 project list
- Project Name: Display the name of the project.
- With Tasks: You can individually select if you want to import the projects with tasks or without.
- Choose Statuses to Import: Options to select various task statuses to import (New, pending, In progress, Complete, etc.). It might be a useful option to omit the Completed tasks with this filter. If you do not select any task statuses, then only projects will be imported, and no tasks.
- Import: Click on Import button so the selected data will be imported.
- Sync Settings: To auto-sync tasks and projects you need to connect Bitrix24 and WebWork with an API token. The following points outline the project and task syncing process. Without auto-sync, the projects and tasks will be synchronized only at the current moment, yet the changes on Bitrix24 will not be reflected on WebWork.
Begin by logging in to your Bitrix24 account
In the menu, click on Applications, and then choose Developer Resources
Next, select Other, and then pick Outbound webhook
In the Your handler URL* fields, enter the following link:
After you've completed all of these steps, click Save.
Enter your Application token from Bitrix24 to the WebWork and click Save
Turn on auto-sync: Projects/tasks will be synched, if they are created, updated in Bireix24 it will be reflected in WebWork.
Turn on auto-remove: Any projects or tasks that are removed in Bitrix24 will also be removed in WebWork.
Send tracked time data form WebWork. Enable or disable sending tracked time data from WebWork. Time tracked in WebWork platform will be reflected in Bitrix24 too.
Now you can see all the imported data on Projects page. Projects imported from Bitrix24 are marked with Bitrix24 icon.
*The integration feature is not free on Bitrix24.
What is the data synchronization period?
If all auto-sync settings are configured correctly, it will sync in real time.
Where can I see the tracked time in Bitrix24?
It is on tasks Time Spent section.
How to Unlink the integration?
Navigate to Integrations → Bitrix24 and select Unlink Integration. This will not reflect the imported data but auto-syncing will end. To resume tracking you should repeat the integration process.
Happy tracking 💜🚀