Attendance Reports

Viewing the Attendance report

To view the Attendance report in WebWork:

  • In your dashboard, go to Reports > Attendance

On this page, you can see how much time your workspace members have tracked each day. By default, you can see detailed tracked time data for a specific day. This includes how much time was tracked, how much was added, activity levels, and more.

The Daily view of the Attendance reports page in WebWork.

To view attendance data for multiple days at once, switch to the Custom Interval view by clicking the text in the top-left of the page. Here, you can see when workspace members started and stopped working, along with their total tracked time on multiple days.

The Custom Interval view of the Attendance reports page in WebWork.

Filtering attendance data

The Attendance page offers several filtering options, including by member, team, and date. In the Daily view, you can set the date filter to a specific day. In the Custom Interval view, you can choose a period of multiple days. You can also view the attendance data of workspace members who started late, left early, tracked less time, or were absent. Simply click the All dropdown menu in the top-left and choose the option you wish to see.