App & Website Monitoring

When your workspace members use the Desktop App, it tracks their app and website usage, including time spent on each and their activity level during that period.

On App & Website Montioring, you can label each platform as productive, neutral, and non-productive. Initially, you will see our default list of most common apps and websites. However, as your workspace members start tracking time on other platforms, those will appear here as well.

Why do I need to label apps and websites?

Labeling apps and websites as productive, neutral, and non-productive will help the tracker measure productivity based on how much time they spend on each.

To find the app or website you need, you can choose the category in Category filter.

  • Type: whether it's an app or a website
  • Category: what purpose it serves

Productivity Labels

You can assign apps and websites into three different productivity labels:

  • Productive
  • Neutral
  • Non-productive

Setting Productivity Labels

You can set productivity labels for apps and websites in two ways:

  • Workspace-Wide: Set productivity labels for apps and websites across your whole workspace.
  • Team-Specific: Set unique productivity labels for apps and websites for a team within your workspace.

WebWork Tracker Dashboard Apps & Websites Interface

Sorting Apps and Websites

You can sort the rows on the Apps & Websites page in two ways:

  • By name
  • By tracked hours

This lets you view the apps and websites that your workspace members use the most.

Automatically Adding Used Apps and Websites

As your workspace members use apps and websites not included in WebWork's default list, the tracker will recognize and add them. You can then modify their productivity labels as well.