How to Approve, Reject, and Edit Leave Requests

View pending leave requests

To view pending leave requests in your workspace:

  • Navigate to Time off > Leave in the sidebar menu of your dashboard.

By default, this page will show you the Pending tab. These requests haven’t yet been approved or rejected. The Approved and Rejected tabs will show you approved and rejected leave requests respectively.

A screenshot showing a pending leave requests on WebWork.

Approve, reject, and edit leave requests

To approve, reject, or edit a pending leave request, click the check mark to approve, x to reject, and pencil to edit.

how to approve or reject leave requests on WebWork Time Tracker

Note: editing a leave request won’t automatically approve or reject it.

You can edit leave requests even after approving them in the Approved tab of the Leave page. Approved or rejected leave requests can also be deleted by clicking the red trash bin icon in the Actions column of the request.

how to delete leave on WebWork